Day 14 of #100happydays (August 2017) Finally some Poldi & Lexi Time (+ 1 ;-)) again and discovering another amazing Vietnamese restaurant in Hamburg! #foodcoma #home #foodfriends #poldiandlexi #reunited #hamburg #germany
When all you are craving for after a long day of train the trainer sessions is a big load of vitamins and the hotel restaurant offers this salad heaven with loads of blue cheese and yummy bread. #perfectending #exhaustedbuthappy #trainthetrainer #learningsomethingnew #neverstoplearning #saladheaven #cheese #athens #greece
Relaxed stroll through Barcelona with some great indie rock music on my ears, definitely a good Sunday morning! #sundaystroll #morningmotivation #musicmakeslifebetter #indierock #weekend #cathedral #barcelona #spain β at Catedral de Barcelona.
Thinking of last night's girls night with sushi, pedicure and face masks and feeling suddenly hungry again π #sushi #stillmyfavoritefood #girlsnight #homespa #chatterbox #relax#healthyfoodhunter #berlin #germany
Celebrating my brothers bday with the extended Berlin family (including some visitors from Hamburg) #littlebrothergrowingup #family #bday #selfie #qualitytime #secondhome #berlin #germany β with Franny Il, Laszlo Horwitz, Sarah Neumann and Miro Welcker in Berlin, Germany.
Amazing food, fantastic weather and great people to celebrate life (& a birthday) together #summer #bday #picnic #family #food #sun #bestthingsinlife #chill #berlin #germany β at Park am Gleisdreieck.
Spending three days in a row with my dad and realising again how similar we are (& not only in looks, but also in personality! π ) #family #fatheranddaughter #smile #learninghowtodoselfies #qualitytime #dayoff #cityhopping #hamburg #berlin #germany β in Berlin, Germany.
Eating one of my favourite snacks on my little balcony while trying to cool down with these incredible temperatures. Looking forward to being back in the office with the air-conditioning tomorrow morning already π #newfavorite #snack #dinner #toohot #melting #summersnack #edamame #healthyfoodhunter #palmademallorca #spain β in Palma De Mallorca, Spain.
Sometimes all you need to be happy are a few tapas, a glass of wine and a nice friend to talk to #rutamartiana #tapastuesday #winetime #relax #afterwork #healthyfoodhunter #palmademallorca #spain β at La Ruta Martiana - Palma de Mallorca.
Have you ever thought life is a bit boring and nothing great is happening to you? Then this is the best time to start with the “100 HAPPY DAYS CHALLENGE”!
The idea is simple: You just need to write down 100 days in a row each day what has made you happy on that day. The things that make you happy can be small as the bus driver smiling at you or as big as winning in the lottery; the most important thing is that you spend a few minutes every day to make yourself realize what has made you happy today.
I have tried this challenge a few times over the last years and have always used social media such as Facebook & Instagram to document this (you can find some post on my fb page:Β ) and had to realize: Latest on day 35 I was having issues to decide between what has made me happy on that day!
If you are also looking for something to brighten your mood and to make you more aware of how great life is, try this challenge as well!